CERT – ceramide assay can identify patients at risk of serious coronary artery disease events such as myocardial infarction or cardiovascular death. The CERT assay is based on quantification of certain ceramide molecules. The assay gives a risk score that tells the risk level for serious CAD events in the future.
We welcome projects utilizing our analytically validated diagnostic platforms. Clinical trials in cardiovascular disease are of particular interest and rapidly executed using the current CERT (Coronary Event Risk Test) protocol.
The CERT read-out will give a better correlation of outcomes and cardiovascular risk, and the treatment effects. Also, running your trial sample on CERT may reveal responder subgroups and in some cases rescue a compound that did not meet its end points when evaluated only using classical clinical measures.
Please contact our experts as they are available to provide more information on the science and technology as well as the principles for collaborative projects.
For more information, please refer to:
Vihervaara et al. 2014 Lipidomics in drug discovery
Ekroos et al. 2010 Lipidomics: a tool for studies of atherosclerosis